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Welcome to Turkish Airlines Fly&Rate Application!
Welcome to Turkish Airlines Fly&Rate Application!
Your opinions are precious to us! By sharing your views you will earn more miles, we will increase our service quality accordingly.
How does it work? - What does Fly&Rate offers?
• If you are not a Miles&Smiles member, you can become a member via our app.
• When you download Fly&Rate, after your first sign on, you will gain bonus miles.
• By entering Miles&Smiles membership, you can see the list of your previous processed flights. You can click the flight which you can rate.
• If you have not processed your flights, from Unprocessed Flight List you can find your flight and take our survey.
• Ticket, Check-in, Lounge, Flight, Boarding and Arrival sections will yield more and more bonus miles. You can either fill the sections seperately or all of them together.
• Under Detail the Survey section, you can write your views in detail and guide us to improve our service quality.
• From Past Feedbacks section, you can reach your previous feedbacks and evaluations.
• From Personel Information section, you can view,edit and update your information regarding the Miles&Smiles membership.
• From Setting section, you can share your rating via Facebook and Twitter and change language preference into English, if you wish.