Taekwondo training app
Improve your Taekwondo skills, mobility, balance and fitness levels on and off the mat. In your own time and place, all while being connected to your fellow taekwondoin.
We currently support WT (World Taekwondo) style taekwondo and provide the following content for FREE in an easily accessible way. All with detailed instructional videos and step-by-step instructions:
- 95 basic taekwondo techniques (stances, blocks, punches, strikes, kicks)
- 3 Taekwondo basic technique full workouts
- 1 step sparring drill and
- 1 Taegeuk poomsae pattern
In addition, to improve your overall performance we provide the following for FREE:
- 30 bodyweight fitness, 30 mobility and 5 balance and biomechanics exercises to improve your technique
- 5 Korean mountain themed full bodyweight fitness workouts for all condition levels
- 1 Korean river themed mobility workouts for improving your mobility
- 1 meditation practice
Join now the community of fellow taekwondoin who will support you through each activity and workout thanks to the social sharing options and community feed!
In addition to the free version, you can subscribe to Dojanga Premium to unlock all current and future content and features available:
+ 10 full taekwondo workouts
+ 32 full bodyweight workouts
+ 4 full mobility workouts
+ 3 step sparring drills
+ 5 Taeguk poomsae patterns
+ upcoming top features!