Tạo các NPC ngẫu nhiên để sử dụng trong các trò chơi RPG trên máy tính bảng của bạn!
RPG NPC Generator: So many possibilities!
Made to help Dungeon Masters with their lack of creativity, RPG NPC Generator helps you with the creation of NPCs for any need. You just told your players about a Dwarven Tavern Patron and don't know who he is? Click that button and give your players an NPC with more characteristics!
We did the math:
You can generate around 1.6*10²¹ NPCs. For the lazy: That's HUGE! It's a number with 20 zeroes after it, imagine that! 1.600. possibilities.
Your players found a random person in a random dungeon? Well... He or She might be a little more interesting than just a random!
Suits many of the most famous fantasy setups, fulfilling all your needs!
Have in a single app a Name Generator, Personality Generator, Npc Generator and save that all! Quickly, smoothly and with a high quality!