Enterprise Digital Transformation Platform
A first of its kind Digital Transformation Platform to help users manage all their transactions related to operations and business through ChatBot guided by chat text inputs or by voice instructions. WhatMate™ brings a very unique user experience driven by Machine Learning and Natural Language Process techniques for the following verticals.
->Enterprise Operational Transactions
->Enterprise Business Transactions
->Event Digital Experience
->Point of Sale Digital Experience
->Restaurant Digital Experience
->Hotel Guest Digital & IoT Experience
->Public Support and e-Governance Services
WhatMate™ is a complete digital experience platform that can be used for complete enterprise process automation that is extended for personal business transactions that are mostly required by professionals. The objective is to provide a single mobile app driven by AI based process automation that is as simple as chatting(ChatBot).
Keywords: WhatMate, What Mate, WhatMeet, What Meet, Whats Mate, Whatsmate, What Met, WhatMet, Whats Met