Easy Unit Converter from Meter to Feet, KM to Miles, CM to Inch, Sq Yard & all.
Life make easy by using Unit Converter of all measurement includes inches, feet, kilometer, yard, meter in Length. Square kilometer, hectare, square yard, square miles you can find in Area measurements. For Weight you can convert kilograms, pounds and tons. Any time you can check Temperature from Celsius to Fahrenheit & kelvin. Unit Converter is FREE and easy to use.We also added currency converter (Exchange Rate) up to 150 currency of different countries.
Currency Converter (International Currency up to 150)
Weight (kilograms, pounds, tons etc.)
Length (inches, feet, kilometer, yard etc.)
Area (square kilometer, hectare, square yard, square miles etc.)
Time(nanosecond, minutes, hours, days, month, years)
Temperature(Celsius, kelvin, Fahrenheit)
We aim to add and support more range of units to the application in the near future.