Create small tournaments easily. 3 type tournament Rating, Round robin, Brackets
You can create tournaments for multipurpose uses.
For example, chess, football and games.
Only you need select which player win. So everyone can use this.
Round-robin tournament
- Each teams play a game with every other teams once or more than twice.
- Max 25 teams
- Max 5 repeats
- Share game table, rank by twitter, email...etc
Bracket tournament
- Knockout tournament.
- Select shuffle teams or don't do it.
- Max 25 teams
- Share draw by twitter, email...etc
Rating tournament
- Order by rate
- If you won, rate will rise. If you lost, rate will drop.
- Unlimited teams
- Share standings by twitter, email...etc
Other features
- Make Web pages of tournaments.
- Backup and restore data.