The Secret Revealed .The great secret of life is the law of attraction.
he Secret Law Of Attraction (2019).
The Secret by Rhonda Byrne is an amalgamation of things you already knew but was not aware of as a secret.
# Nothing is impossible
# Be positive
# Believe in yourself
# Surround yourself with positive energy
# If you're born poor, it isn't your fault. But if you die poor, it is your fault.
# Almost all positive inspirational quotes are in line with what's said in The Secret.
The many faculties of the mind are identified and discussed, and the author asserts that the current of will-power flows strongly along spiritual wires but the individual must train in order to optimally tap into this energy source. The "I" is the master of the mind and the "will" is the instrument of the "I." Affirmations for internalising this insight are provided here.
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