Download Surah Al Baqara App and listen to Holy Quran recitation
The Prophet said, 'Recite Surah al Baqarah in your dwellings and do not keep them as tombs. He also said that whoever recited Surah al Baqarah at night would be crowned with a crown of paradise.'
[Baihaqi in Al-Shuaib]
Abdullah ibn Mas'ud (radiAllahu anhu) said, 'Whoever recited ten verses from al-Baqarah in the night, Satan shall not have access to that house, during the night till he wakes in the morning. These are: Four from the first part of the Surah, followed by the verse of the Throne, two verses after the verse of the Throne and three from the last part of the Surah'.
[Darimi 3248/A]
Download Surah Al Baqara and listen to Holy Quran recitation of surah al baqarah on your mobile device.
At first, we can learn and understand the Al-Quran by " Surah Al Baqara " that in this application we can see Surah al baqara video by
pressing the red button to learning al baqara from the video.
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This free application, recommend wifi connect for free video.