نارائنکوم کے شری شیو بھکتی کے ساتھ ماہیمن اسٹوٹرا ، ٹنڈو اسٹوٹرا ، آرتی ، اسٹوٹی
Free & very COMPACT SIZE Shri Shiv Bhakti app for Android in हिन्दी (Hindi), मराठी (Marathi), ગુજરાતી (Gujarati), ಕನ್ನಡ (Kannada), தமிழ் (Tamil), and శ్లోక (Telugu). It has Shri Shiv Mahiman Stotra (श्रीशिवमहिम्नस्तोत्रम्), Shri Shiv Tandav Stotra (श्रीशिवताण्डवस्तोत्रम्), Shri Maha Mrityunjaya Mantra (महामृत्युञ्जय मंत्र) with meaning, Shiv Shiv Sahasranama (श्रीशिवसहस्रनामावली 1008 names of God Shiv ji), Shri Kanakdhara Stotram (श्री कनकधारा स्तोत्रम्), Shri Shivashtakam (श्रीशिवाष्टकम्), and all the various 35 aartis, stotrams, ashtakams, chalisa, and stutis of Devadidev Mahadev Shiv ji.
App has comprehensive Shivratri and Pradosh pooja archana, mantra, and vidhi in Hindi. Now you do not need to carry around any detailed books on how to do Shiv ji abhishek on Shivratri or Pradosh. Just read in the app any time, any place. It also has Shri Rudra Trishati (श्रीरुद्रत्रिशति) archana in Hindi, which is read during Pradosh puja.
App has easy integration for sharing on various social websites like Twitter™, Facebook™, Google™ Plus (Google+). App may be used in Offline/Airplane mode. You can easily share your favorite Shiv Bhakti app with your Family and Friends using the inbuilt QR Code and smart invite features.
God Shiva is one of the principal deities of Hinduism. He is "the transformer" within the Trimurti, the Hindu trinity that includes God Brahma and God Vishnu. He is the Supreme being who creates, protects and transforms the universe.
Since there cannot be Shiv ji without Goddess Shakti, therefore, this app also includes Shri Mangala Gauri ji's aarti.
We are looking for volunteers to translate Shiv Bhakti app in other Bharatiya languages such as Odiya, Bengali, Malyalam, Assamese, Nepali, etc. If interested to contribute, please contact us by email at naraincom {at} gmail. Serious inquiries only, please.
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