Search Contacts enables you to find contacts by searching for an attribute
Search Contacts gives you the possbility to easily find the contacts on your device by searching for their attributes.
Just enter the search term and the app will immediately show you all matching contacts and which attribute matched the search. Furthermore you can also directly share the contacts most important information by email or sms.
Search Contacts will search in all those contact attributes:
- Display name
- Phone numbers
- Email addresses
- Structured name (Given name, family name, prefix, middle name, phonetic given name, phonetic middle name, phonetic family name)
- Structured address (City, country, formatted address, neighborhood, pobox, postbox, region, street)
- Organization (Company, department, job description, office_location, phonetic name. symbol)
- Websites
- Note
- Nicknames
- Sip addresses
- Relations