Pride Demo Application
PRIDE is a portable mobile 2 inch Bluetooth thermal printer with USB and Serial interfaces to connect with PCs, Laptops or other portable devices like Mobile Phones, Tablets, PDAs, etc. PRIDE enables seamless on the go receipt printing for various applications like field force automation and retail cash on delivery models. Our 2inch printer PRIDE has been integrated with such Taxi Meter solutions.
Applications running on Windows and Linux in PC environments and on JAVA in mobile environments use the robust SDK provided by Evolute to integrate their applications seamlessly with PRIDE.
Pride support General & Escape sequence protocol.
Prowess Pride SDK, developed in android which can be used to integrate android applications with PRIDE.The Pride Demo is the sample application developed using the Prowess Pride SDK. To fully explore the features of the Prowess Pride SDK, it is recommended that you use the Pride demo application by connecting (through Bluetooth) it to the PRIDE device.