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Ogoh Ogoh's New Design Idea - On Nyepi Day, the Hindu community experiences a number of distinctive rituals that are basically self-cleaning efforts and the surrounding environment. At 2-4 days before Nyepi, the community purifies themselves and worship tools at the temple through the Melasti Ceremony. Meanwhile, one day before Nyepi, Blind Yadnya ritual (Bhuta Yajna) was performed. Yadnya blind is a series of ceremonies to expel the presence of a blind time which is a manifestation of the negative elements in human life. In the Blind Yadnya series, there is the ogoh-ogoh parade tradition that makes the annual festive festival and become a tourist attraction.
Yadnya blind consists of two stages, the ritual mecaru (novelty) and ngrupuk (pengerupukan). Mecaru is the offering ceremony of various offerings (caru) for the blind. The ceremony is conducted from the family level, banjar, kecamatan, kabupaten, kota, to the provincial level. Ngrupuk is a ritual around the settlement while making a sound accompanied by the spread of rice tawur and spreading incense smoke or torch in the gang. The Ngrupuk ritual which is usually performed simultaneously with the ogoh-ogoh procession aims to blind the time and all other negative elements away from and not disturb human life.
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