نقشہ جات اور نیویگیشن گائیڈ - نقشہ جات کے استعمال کے لئے خفیہ خصوصیات اور نکات
Now a days online maps like online Maps, Here maps etc.are getting popular. There are many features of online Maps which we don't even know about. If you want to learn how to use maps, you can try this Maps Guide app. In this app the following features of maps app are showed with step by step:
- Real time location sharing
- Live traffic update
- Offline maps Download
- Measure distance using map distance calculator
- Call Uber taxi
- Maps timeline
- Multiple stoppage
- Bookmarking and maps day reminder
- How to check maps timeline
and many more maps secrete features are in this Maps guide Bangla app.
Really map navigation made our life much easy. We can now check map road location, see map picture of unknown places. map software can act like a speedometer to measure distance using maps ruler and time.Map reading is very accurate. You can download maps for certain area over wifi to use maps offline. Maps traffic and maps earth can save your time and money by providing live traffic jam update.
So make your map updated NOW!
Download from online play: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.mapsandnavigations.maps_tips_tricks