Powerful, easy, fast fit calculator (DIN ISO 286-1). No advertisement!
Basic for calculating the fits is the complete (other comparable mobile applications just use an extract) DIN EN ISO 286-1 *.
No advertisement! No permissions!
Basic sizes from 0mm to 3150mm (according to DIN EN ISO 286-1, bigger dimensions aren't normed).
All International Tolerance Grades (IT-Grades) and fundamental dimensions are considered.
The app "ISO Tolerances" is a fit calculator and addressed to students, employees and apprentices (trainees) in all technical sectors. It calculates all information about a fit by entering a basic size in a matter of seconds. The app displays the upper and lower deviation, upper and lower limits as well as all specifications of the resulting fit. For clarification the relative positions of the tolerance zones are displayed in a graphic. You can also use this app just for translating the indication of a single tolerance (according to DIN EN ISO 286-1).
No responsibility is taken for the completeness, currentness and correctness of displayed data.
* complete title of the norm: "Geometrische Produktspezifikation (GPS) - ISO-Toleranzsystem für Längenmaße - Teil 1: Grundlagen für Toleranzen, Abmaße und Passungen (ISO 286-1:2010); Deutsche Fassung EN ISO 286-1:2010"