Extract text from your images and share it or copy it easily in high efficiency.
Image to Text and Document Scanner will facilitate your life, it convert images taking by camera or located in your storage file system to machine readable and editable text.
Image to Text and Document Scanner detect text in images located on your device storage or taken directly with your camera, and convert it into a machine-usable character stream in efficient and very fast way.
Image to Text and Document Scanner gives you also the ability to edit your scanned text before copying it in case of some errors due to quality of images (noise, blur, etc). And you can also share it with friends, teamate, etc. All that features will help you save time and get editable text from images without expending extra effort to transcribe text.
Image to Text and Document Scanner is very useful for students, professors, travelers etc.
+ Key Features:
1- No Internet connection needed.
2- Save scanned text to Clipboard.
3- Edit text before copying.
4- Share Scanned text.
4- Work with Images from external storage.
5- Work with images taken by your camera.