Histology of Human Systems, Types of Tissues, Prepared Microscope Slides & More
Human Histology is an android app designed for medical students and researchers to learn and understand histology more. The app contains detailed explanation of the following
Histology of human Systems i.e:
Histology of digestive System,
Histology of Respiratory System,
Histology of Cardiovascular System,
Histology of Human Urogenital System,
Histology of Nervous System,
Histology of Lymphoid System,
Histology of Endocrine System,
Histology of male Reproductive System and
Histology of female reproductive systems.
The Human Histology app also contains detailed explanation of the Folloowing
Types of Tissues,
Microscopic Anatomy of Blood,
Histology of The Kidney,
Histology of the Sensory Systems of The Human Body and
A Collection of Prepared Human Histology Microscope Slides for better Understanding of Histology.