The ultimate DAW experiment !
Midi/OSC controller for DAW like Ableton Live, FL Studio, Cubase, Reason, Renoise and many others.
CK release is designed for mobile screens.
Trial version : midi transmission limited to 1'30''
Among the many features offered Racktor, here are a few:
- 4 presets:
* Live with 4 banks of 20 pads and Ableton Live midi feedback for these pads.
* Mixer with 4 banks of 5 faders.
* X-Y with 5 XY controllers.
* PAD with 16 pads and transport buttons play / rec / forward..etc ...
- Midi mapping of controllers is fully programmable (save and load these setups too).
- No latency.
- Connect to your computer via bluetooth.
- Smart Focus on the controllers.
And above all: CK can be used together with the ST version tablet with the same Racktor Desktop.
Or, you can use multiple CK and / or ST together!
Tip : You can setup several controllers (of the same type) at the same time.
For the bluetooth connection, you must use Racktor Desktop on PC/Mac side.
You must first have Java installed on your PC/Mac, if it's not the case, install it from :
Racktor Desktop are available at: (for Windows) (for Mac or Linux)