Muntakhab Ahadis on Dakwah and Tabligh in malay with page curl effect
Alhamdulillah, the sixth chapter of Muntakhab Ahadis (Dakwah & Tabligh) is completed specially for all Muslim readers. This application gathers verses of Al-Quran and hadith from our Prophet Muhammad SAW about the ways to spread the message about Islam to others Muslim or Non-Muslim religions that we can apply in our daily routines. Other than that, it also states the benefits and rewards that we can gain by applying spreading and conveying the Islam to others.
Hopefully we can apply all the knowledge gained from this application and share it with our Muslims community.
- Page Curl Effect same like real book
- Content taken from Authentic Sources
- Last page read “Auto Bookmark”
- Beautiful and Stylish Graphics
- A complete guide book with Arabic and Malay language
- Easy & Fast Navigation Index
- Internet required 1st time downloads Graphics only
- Small in size
- Smart and fast downloading for graphics after installation and meanwhile you can use app as well
- Specially created for Smartphone and tablet
Note: This application is free with advertisement. Jazak Allah Khair