AstirTech Solutions
Cake Recipes - केक रेसिपी
Cake Recipes application provide many cake recipes varieties in Hindi Language.
Using this application you can easily learn, how to make cake varieties at home.All recipes are described with Ingredients, Directions and Images.
There are lots of cake recipes…
* ब्लैक फोरेस्ट केक
* चोकलेट – क्रीम नट्स केक
* बिना चीनी केक
* एगलैस बादाम केक
* स्पंज केक
* स्ट्राबेरी केक
* माइक्रोवेव एपल स्पंज केक
* खजूर का केक
* नारियल केक
* इंद्रधनुष केक
* फ्रूट और नट्स केक
* स्ट्रॉबेरी चीज केक
* वेनिला स्पंज केक(बिना अंडे का)
* छैना पनीर केक
* मैंगो केक
* एप्पल अनार का केक
* छैना पनीर केक….and many more….
Feature :-
- Beautiful user friendly interface.
- Chang text size for better readability.
- Choose favorite recipe.
- Completely offline application so you can use application without internet.
- All Content provided in Hindi Language so easy to read and understand.
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All type of information is collected from different sources, if you found any information that violates your any type of rights please contact to us at ‘’.