Bookmarks management (use, gather, categorize, search, import/export, maintain).
The Bookmarks application lets you manage your web links (bookmarks, internet URL shortcuts) by:
• gathering (for example from web browsers),
• accumulating, saving, storing web links on your Android device in form of Windows and/or Linux internet short-cut files (.url and/or .desktop files),
• categorizing,
• filtering, searching,
• importing/exporting (converting),
• maintaining (creating, editing, coping, moving, cutting/pasting, renaming, deleting),
• transferring (for example between your Android device and PC)
• and opening web links in browsers on your Android device.
The application's use case scenarios include:
Saving web page's URL shortcuts (web links, bookmarks)
• When you have opened a web page in a browser and want to save the web page's web link (a URL shortcut) for future use, you can do that by tapping the browser's share button or menu item, choose the Bookmarks application from list of apps, then in the opened Bookmarks application, navigate to a desired folder (creating folders if needed) on your device's file system and by the SAVE button, save the web link into the folder.
Please see according sections below.
Filtering and searching folders content
• It lets you quickly find and open weblink(s) or folder(s) previously stored somewhere on your device in the past. It's useful if the total number of weblinks and folders is big.
• To find the wanted weblinks using the filter/search feature, first navigate to a "parent" (a "root") folder that you think may contain the wanted weblink, then tap the TOOLS button in the action bar and type in the search text box some keyword or a phrase (or just any key part of a word) that you think might identify the wanted web link's title or address, and then tap either FILTER or SEARCH button - the Bookmarks application will highlight all folders and files (including weblink files) that match your search criteria.
• When the filter/search operation completes, you can either manually navigate through the filtered/searched folder structure, or by the SEARCH/NEXT button let the Bookmarks application navigate directly to the first/next found weblink.
Maintaining web-link files and folders
• To move (cut/paste), rename, copy, delete files and folders, tap EDIT MODE button, select the wanted files and folders and tap the according button(s) in the action bar. Renaming also possible by a context popup menu on a particular file or folder.
Creating a folder
• Tap CREATE FOLDER button, enter the new folder name and confirm.
Creating a web-link (URL shortcut) file
• Tap CREATE URL SHORTCUT menu item, enter the new shortcut file name, URL address and confirm.
Sorting folders and (web-link) files
• In the tools panel, set whether sort order is CASE SENSITIVE, ASC. or DESC.
Wrapping and unwrapping names of folders, (web-link) files and URL addresses
• For better visibility of list items, toggle wrapping/unwrapping by check-boxes in the tools panel.
Exporting weblinks (URL shortcuts) as an HTML file
• While in EDIT MODE, select one or several weblink files and/or folders containing weblink files and tap EXPORT SHORTCUTS AS HTML FILE menu item. The weblinks will be exported as an .html file.
Toggling between advanced/simple navigation controls
• Tapping SHOW ADVANCED/SIMPLE NAVIGATION CONTROLS menu item switches between simple and advanced navigation controls. The advanced controls let you pre-store paths to your favorite folders and instantly jump to them.
Importing bookmarks
• Tap IMPORT BOOKMARKS - SHOW TABS menu item. It will show tabs on the top helping you to import bookmarks from HTML files, Android browser or Chrome browser accordingly.
• Advanced help info is available in the application.