انجینئرنگ امتحان کے لئے بٹسٹ 2020 اور ویٹی ای ای امتحان کی تیاری اور سوال بینک ایپ۔
BITSAT 2019 & VITEEE 2019 Exam Preparation & Question Bank App for Engineering Exam. Exam Preparation for BITSAT and VITEEE app provides previous year question papers in question bank format for practice. Apart from question papers, students can access free model papers provided inside the app. This app also contains syllabus and exam pattern for BITSAT and VITEEE Entrance exams. Entranceindia brings this app for the benefit of students writing these engineering entrance exams for getting admission.
You can find the following inside the app:
- Information Bulletin
- Important Instruction for BITSAT 2020 Exam
- Important Instructions for VITEEE 2020 Exam
- Past exam Papers
- Free Sample Question Bank
- Model Papers for the Exam