Popular BhaDiPa memes are now in form of stickers
Popular BhaDiPa Stickers for widely used mobile messaging app.
A collection of funny marathi stickers from the popular memes and catch-phrases of BhaDiPa hit videos like Casting Couch with Amey & Nipun, Aai ani me , marathi hip-hop and more! Karan Shastra asta tey !
Bharatiya Digital Party #BhaDiPa - A मराठी content brand - We are completely non-political, undemocratic & politically incorrect, so it's a Party! Basically Shantit Kranti !
Recently Added Stickers - Jagaatbhari, Amhi Shane Kavve a, Bapala Shikvu Nakos, Shantit Matter Sodvaycha, Chantapana karu nakos, General Alert