Belly Dance is an aplicación that brings together the best Belly Dance Videos
Belly Dance is an aplicación that brings together the best videos to perform this sport from home or anywhere. The importante thing for the application of Belly Dance are our users who are the ones who make the application great. So, if you think a video of Belly Dance is interesting we would be happy to link it.
Belly Dance uses de internet connection of your phone, and as the are videos, when it are heavy it is recommended that the Wi-Fi connection is always used.
Belly Dance Includes:
Belly Dance Course
Belly Dance Videos
Belly Dance at Home
Belly Dance Classes
Belly Dance Step by Step
Belly Dance Videos in English
The Belly Dance application allows the lovers of this sport to be always informed of the latest videos of the moment.
NO HIDDEN COSTS. Belly Dance costs nothing
MULTI-DEVICE: You can use it in your mobile or Tablet
TRAINING ROUTINE: When performing this type of sport it is always advisable to follow some type of training routine, since it helps us to follow some exercises. In addition the advantage is that it can be done comfortably from home, so do not waste time in going to the gym.
Belly Dance users are our family, so you can write us:
Or visit our website
Disclaimer: We do not own or host on our servers any of the videos that you may find within the application. They are available to the public through YouTube. This app is not affiliated with any brand or any Belly Dance teacher. Nor is it part of YouTube or another video platform. All videos can be freely found by browsing YouTube for free, however if any video has copyright you can inform us at and we will remove it as soon as possible. If you have some quality video and you want us to include it, please indicate the direction of the video.
Disclaimer: Never practice Belly Dancing without first consulting with your doctor.