41 classic country licks for electric guitar.
***** 41 Country Guitar Licks *****
41 classic country guitar licks, perfect for guitar solos in country music.
● Licks has audio played both slow and fast and contains a full transcription in guitar tablature (tab).
● Track your progress by marking which guitar licks are your favouries.
● Licks are at a range of difficulties; advanced licks for experienced players and easy licks for beginners
● By using this app you'll never run out ideas when improvising again!
● Free!
● The licks are organised into the 4 most common country guitar keys C, G, A and E.
● The techniques covered involve open string runs, bending, advanced pedal steel style harmony bends, chicken picking, banjo rolls, hybrid picking, alternate picking and more!
● Range of difficulties. Some licks are suitable for beginners, some for intermediate guitarists and some really blazing licks for advanced players!