Directory of various conserve recipes with photos and easy search.
Decided to cook your family a delicious jam, pickle, or any other conservation?
We offer you:
- More than 200 recipes for a variety of conservation for every taste.
- For people who count calories, we have simplified the task. In each description you will see PFC food and calories per 100 grams.
- Easy timer for reminders and simplify cooking.
- Easy step by step cooking.
- Search by name and ingredients.
- Continuous addition of new recipes.
- Like the recipes you can add to a recipe or share on social networks.
We are ready to listen to any of your ideas and wishes for further development of the application.
Here you will find conservation, preserves, jams, pickles, a variety of canned vegetables, canned meat and fish recipes preservation of other countries.
We do our best to facilitate you to prepare your favorite recipe =)