★ ★ ★ New innovative brain game. More addictive than Sudoku! ★ ★ ★
★ 獲得App guru、GameApe、iApp、遊戲基地等各遊戲評測網站推薦 ★
★ 可愛解謎方塊 解謎風潮強勢登陸Android平台 ★
究竟是什麼魔力,能讓人沉迷在神奇的方塊世界中? 喚醒你沉睡的推理靈魂,啟動你豐富的想像力與創造力,面對設計精巧的數字方塊,如何讓圖形重現光榮,就靠你的邏輯能力!
■ 特色:
■ 遊戲方式:
★★★ New innovative brain game. It makes you smarter, trains your logical reasoning and imagination. More addictive than Sudoku! ★★★
Oh! Cube supports the following languages: English, Français, Deutsch, Español, Português, 日本語, 繁體中文, 简体中文, 한국어.
What is the magic behind the world of puzzle cubes that keeps people playing level after level? You'll never know what you're going to get inside the cubes!
Awaken your dormant reasoning abilities. Unlock your rich imagination and creativity. Use your logic and tools to uncover the hidden object behind the cleverly designed numbered cubes.
■ Features:
★ 40 levels with cleverly designed 3D models.
★ Innovative brain game rarely seen on smart phones.
★ Lots of animated cute models waiting to be collected.
★ Beautiful treasure chest for you to store the unlocked mysterious models.
★ Sweet and relaxing original music!
■ How to play:
With the tips on the cubes, use your logic and reasoning to knock off the unnecessary cubes, reveal the hidden object and put it in your treasure chest!
(1) Knocking mode: Take your best shot and knock off some cubes!
(2) Marking mode: Mark the sure cubes. (This helps you identify the cubes and avoid knocking off them.)
(3)Chain-knocking function: Rotate cubes to the front, hold the position and it will knock off the following cubes in the same line.
(4) Little helper: It helps you by giving you helpful tips when you've got stuck.
Tips: After knocking off the cubes with number 0, mark the sure cubes then knock off the unnecessary cubes.