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Worlds DNA有聲讀物應用程序是作者和讀者的最佳平台!
Listen the latest, classic and your published audiobooks (Novel, Short Stories and Poems) for free or with small amount which can be categorized by Genre & Language.
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#Online Section
Listen full almost all audiobooks for free in online mode.
* Can download Free samples.
* Can download premium audiobooks with small amount via famous mode of transactions.
Top categories -
Fiction books, Romance books, Fantasy books, Adventure books, Science fiction, Christmas books, Horror books, Short stories, Love stories, Religious books, Humor books, History books, Poems, Poetry, Travel books, Detective Books, and many more !!!
Most popular authors -
Jane Austen, Dostoevsky, Charles Dickens, Oscar Wilde, Mark Twain, Lewis Carroll, Wodehouse, James Joyce, Aesop, Victor Hugo, HG Wells, Plato, Jack London, Sigmund Freud, Thomas Hardy, Premchand, and others
Most popular books -
Aesop’s fables, Peter pan, Sherlock holmes, Moby dick, Alice in wonderland, Pride and Prejudice, Kama sutra, Dorian gray, Beowulf, Grimm’s fairy tales, Anna karenina, Don quixote, Hamlet, Macbeth, Pinocchio, Chanakya Neeti and thousands more !!!
All other Content is generated by us ( WorldsDNA )
We are also thankful to Librivox for their free content.
All the audio books are uploaded after following the copyright guide.
★ If you have any questions or would like more information about our audiobooks App, please do not hesitate to contact us via email (Worldsdna@gmail.com)
Visit our Website: www.worldsdna@gmail.com