下載 APKPure App
可在安卓獲取The Lyss Method的歷史版本
使用 The Lyss Method 應用程序,您可以按照您的“The Lyss Method”計劃提升和/或 ENDURE 跑步。在 Lyss 方法的幫助下,跟踪您的進度,打破您的舉重和/或跑步目標。
- 訪問 Lyss Method 訓練計劃和跟踪鍛煉(需訂閱)
- 安排鍛煉並通過打破您以前從未想過的個人最佳成績來保持承諾
- 跟踪實現目標的進度
- 如果您的教練規定,管理您的營養攝入量
- 設定切合實際的健康和健身目標
- 實時向您的教練發送消息
- 獲取預定鍛煉和活動的推送通知提醒
- 連接到 Apple Watch(同步到 Health 應用程序)、Fitbit 和 Withings 等可穿戴設備以立即同步身體統計數據
有關計劃的更多信息,請訪問 www.littlelyssfitness.com
Last updated on 2022年10月27日
We’ve made some exciting upgrades to the Apple Watch App powered by Trainerize that will make it easier for clients to train on the go! Now, clients can leave their phones behind and be able to start and track any workout (regular, circuit, and interval), including three new cardio activities, swimming, dancing, and HIIT, directly from their watch!
As always, we've also made some back-end upgrades and bug fixes to make your experience even better.
The Lyss Method
7.49.0 by The Lyss Method