下載 APKPure App
Mention is used by more than 200,000 professionals to manage their online presence.
Create alerts on your company name, your brand, your competitor, be updated in real-time about the most relevant mentions over the web and react, get statistics, collaborate with your teams around them.
- Media and social media monitoring: Monitor in real-time millions of different sources not to miss anything mentioning your keywords
- Anti-noise management: Turn on our smart anti-noise technology, sentiment analysis and priority inbox not to waste time with the noise.
- Smart actions: Connect your social accounts and react to any mention the smart way. Retweet a tweet that mentions you, share on facebook any positive article about your company
- Team working: Share your alerts, assign tasks to the most relevant person in your team and manage the activity of everyone.
- Customized stats: Analyze your online presence and the impact of your actions to finally make your communication data-driven.
Choose the plan that fits your need, get a 14 days of free trial and start changing the way you manage your online presence.
Euraoba August Carl Jeffrey
Android 5.1+
17.0 MB 2020年09月26日
17.0 MB 2020年09月26日
17.8 MB 2020年07月13日
17.8 MB 2020年07月13日
17.9 MB 2020年05月12日
17.9 MB 2020年05月12日