下載 APKPure App
- 兩個美麗的景色:日曆和時間線 - 選擇你最喜歡的
- 您的日記條目之間輕鬆導航
- 密碼(您可以在設置中更改它)
- 以非常簡單直觀的方式創建,修改和刪除條目
- 添加圖片功能
- 許多貼紙 - 觀看廣告以獲得更多貼紙!
- 許多情緒 - 用emojis描述你的情緒(你可以比較你在日曆或時間線上的心情 - 綠色圓圈 - 好心情,紅色 - 心情不好,黃色 - 正常,藍色 - 沒有信息)
- 與朋友分享你的回憶(通過Facebook,Gmail或Messenger)
- 圖紙 - 添加圖紙或圖片到您的筆記,使其更令人難忘
- 提醒 - 提醒記得定期添加筆記
- 導入備註選項
- 導出備註選項
- 選擇日曆的第一天(星期日或星期一)
- 音樂(您可以在設置中關閉動畫和音樂)
- 點擊廣告免費按鈕來擺脫廣告。
★享受你的生活,創造驚人的故事! ★
如果您有任何問題,請聯繫我們:[email protected]
★ Kittycorn Diary is a beautiful designed application perfect for those who wants to remember about memories!
★ Use this diary and put down all your thoughts or even future plans and follow them as the time passes. Make it your trustworthy friend who never judges you and who's always there for you.
Either you want to keep your secret away from prying eyes, maybe a secret love story, or you just want to record your life's emotions as time passes, you now have a friend that listens to you.
★ Features ★
- Two beautiful views: calendar and time line – choose your favourite
- Easy navigation between your diary entries
- Password (you can change it in the settings)
- Create, modify, delete entries in a very simple and intuitive way
- Add pictures functionality
- Many stickers – watch ads to get more stickers!
- Many emotions - describe yor mood by emojis (you can compare your mood in the calendar or in the time line – green circle – good mood, red – bad mood, yellow – normal, blue – no information)
- Share your memories with friends (by Facebook, Gmail or Messenger)
- Drawings - add a drawing or picture to your note to make it more memorable
- Reminder – set a reminder to remember to adding notes regularly
- Import notes option
- Export notes option
- Choose calendar first day of week (Sunday or Monday)
- Music (you can turn off animations and music in the settings)
- Click Ads Free buton to get rid of ads.
Application is suitable for kids, especially for girls.
★Enjoy your life and create amazing stories! ★
If you have any problems, please - contact us: [email protected]
designed by Freepik from Flaticon
Last updated on 2024年09月10日
Bug fixes
5.0.0 by Cards