iFish Saskatchewan is the top paid Sports App in Canada !
Get the App every Angler in Saskatchewan needs and Fish with Attitude !
Featured in: "Great Canadian Apps" & "Cottage Life"
" So many features for the price - its awesome! "
" This is truly a great thing to help fishermen and women all ages, and skill levels "
" Love this app has so much potential "
" This App is very well designed. There is a lot of good additional content."
iFish Saskatchewan™ Features:
- Access over 8500 Lakes, Ponds & Reservoirs
- All lakes searchable with only a few letters
- View and Add HotSpots to your favorite lakes
- Lake Reports and Feedback by users
- Proximity Search from your Current Location
- Proximity Search from City, Town or Lake
- Best Times to Fish Solunar Calendar
- Summary of Catch & Possession limits
- Depth Charts
- Species Reference with High-res illustrations
- Interactive Directions
- Real-time Weather Conditions
- 4-Day Weather Forecasts
- Great How To's & Tips
- Links to numerous resources
The App Door proudly presents iFish Saskatchewan™, The app every fisherman in Saskatchewan needs. Providing an intuitive, user-friendly guide to sport fishing and Ice Fishing in Saskatchewan Canada. Users are able to search for lakes by name, or via proximity search; view a summary of catch limits, species reference, interactive directions, real-time weather, points of interest, best times to fish, tips & tricks, and more!
*** We are constantly adding lakes, information and features. Visit www.iFishSask.com for current lake coverage & full feature list.
Visit www.AppsForAnglers.com to see all available apps for fishing !