下載 APKPure App
2015 Refresh Mobile Ltd
Hongkongbizarre.com is a leading online retailer committed to becoming the most loved and trusted marketplace on the web. We tirelessly pursue these goals by offering a superior shopping experience, rapid delivery and incredible customer service.
With more than 13 million products and an award-winning website, Hongkongbizarre.com proudly earns the loyalty of gun-enthusiasts and e-cigarette e-shoppers alike. We equip our customers with state-of-the-art decision-making resources such as detailed product information, and high-resolution photo galleries. We offer our customers peace of mind with lightning-fast delivery and cutting-edge logistics.
At Hongkongbizarre.com, we believe service truly begins after the moment that you order the product until it arrives at your doorstep. We follow through on this commitment with exceptional customer service. Our team of service associates are available via e-mail and respond within 24 hours to help ensure your utmost satisfaction.
We've dedicated ourselves to making sure that everyone enjoys shopping at Hongkongbizarre.com. We take great pride in working passionately to exceed your expectations each and every time you shop with us.
This App has Push Notification enabled which allows you to view App messages sent directly from the business straight to your lock screen; Push Notification feature must be enabled for this to work. App contains Integrated Facebook/Twitter feeds.
App contains a Geo-Fencing feature which requires location from the App for it to work.
iBeacons are enabled for this app because in the future we plan to use in-store iBeacons to "stamp" the digital loyalty card within the app.
Last updated on 2016年04月22日
Minor bug fixes and improvements. Install or update to the newest version to check it out!
3.2 by appsme7