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"What is a brilliant book you’ve read recently?"
"What is a good podcast to listen to?"
"What movies should I not miss this year?"
"What was that awesome YouTube video you told me about?”
Curated takes a fresh approach to social media by connecting you to others over the content you both enjoy.
Following someone who shares your favourite movie could lead to discovering the next book you can’t put down.
Interested in a particular topic? Search for it and you might find a great podcast or online talk about it.
Consider yourself an expert in a field? Share all the best articles about it and you’ll become a content curator for others - a following that truly matters.
This is the core of Curated - a place to discover and share awesome media in the most reliable way - personal recommendations.
Everyone will have their own impressive curated collection - and it’s all public! Find out what your friends are reading or listening to and get inspirations for new things to try!
Found a new book? Great - add it to your saved list. Someone shared an interesting video you want to get to later? In the list it goes!
Finally read that book and buzzing about it? Review it and share it to your followers. Find out and discuss what everyone else thinks about it.
Last updated on 2019年10月08日
Fixed an issue where starting a review would crash the app on certain devices running Android 8
Discover, save & share quality contentCurated- by Rockspin