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ගණිත විෂයේදී ගුණන වගුව ඉතාම වැදගත්. ඔබට එය කට පාඩම් කර ගැනීමට පහසුවන අන්දමට මෙම "chakkare" app එක නිර්මාණය කර ඇත. තවද Games ඇතුළු පහසුකම් රාශියක් ඉදිරියේදී නොමිලේ ලබාගත හැක.
Chakkare is an unique educational maths Learning app in sinhala for your kids & you too ! This is a perfect math learning for kids ! Develop your child basic math skills through fun and attractive games makes learning math fun right from the beginning. Easiest multiplication and division games with Addition and Subtraction games all in one app.
Included Mini games between lessons to attract the kids to learning
Chakkare has also carefully designed with colorful graphic, soothing & relaxing background music.
Last updated on 2018年09月02日
Added sounds for some questions.
It's faster, more stable and looks awesome!
Kids Sinhala maths Learning1.1 by Whitecody