下載 APKPure App
Put the two-story block into the square hole by rolling it around for hours. There are 33 levels in this block puzzle game.
Originally published as a Web game at http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/games/bloxorz
You control a two-story block cube as one piece that can be split in later levels. The levels are grids, and each grid contains one square hole. Getting your block into the hole is your goal. The grids also contain many dangerous edges, so don't let your block fall off the edges of the grid.
Made by Roboman. http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/roboman/
This is the only OFFICIAL licensed Android copy of the game.
Last updated on 2015年09月04日
Version 9:
More sensitive swipe controls
Game loads much faster
Performance improvements
Faster block movements
Version 8:
Fix crashes and bugs
Performance optimization
Saves game progress
Passcode support
Fixed toggle sound button
Fix level skipping bug