Trazado tubería El Tubero 2.0

2.9 by Alfredo Pombo
Dec 12, 2024

About Trazado tubería El Tubero 2.0

Renovated and expanded version of El Tubero pipeline layout

With it you will be able to calculate the development of any graft or trunium, know the progress of accessories, calculate breaks, elbow cutting dimensions, pipe combs, know the size and number of bolts that each flange has, calculate volumes and weights, and You will even have a small unit converter.

NEWS regarding El Tubero:

-Calculate the sting of the grafts.

-Perform Tube-to-Elbow and Elbow-to-Tube grafts, including their stings.

-Pipe dimensions of 14 different standards, including 9 millimeter stainless steel for the pharmaceutical and food industries.

-Dimensions of screws and bolts for 5 different standards. It also includes key dimensions in both millimeters and inches.

-Gasket dimensions for 6 different standards, including gaskets for RTJ flanges.

-Flange dimensions for 4 different standards, including millimetric stainless steel flanges for the pharmaceutical and food industries.

-BW elbow dimensions for 5 different standards, including millimetric stainless steel for the pharmaceutical and food industries.

-Tee dimensions for both ANSI and the pharmaceutical and food industries.

-Dimensions of reductions for both ANSI and the pharmaceutical and food industries.

-Valve dimensions; flanged gate, flanged globe, flanged check, SW gate, SW globe, SW check, wafer check, wafer butterfly, lugged butterfly, ANSI flanged ball, DIN flanged ball and SW ball.

-Dimensions of flanged filters according to ANSI standard and according to DIN standard.

-Cut elbows according to 5 different standards, including the pharmaceutical and food industries. There is even the option to indicate the radius and diameter manually.

-Expanded and improved unit converter.

-Tightening torques for screws and bolts.

You can see a sample video at the following link:

You can try it for free by downloading the trial version "El Tubero Free 2.0 pipe layout".


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Trazado tubería El Tubero 2.0 Alternative

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