This app contains various White Magic Protection Spells.
White magic has traditionally referred to the use of supernatural powers or magic for selfless purposes. With respect to the philosophy of left-hand path and right-hand path, white magic is the benevolent counterpart of malicious black magic. Because of its ties to traditional pagan nature worship, white magic is often also referred to as "natural magic"
If you feel that negativity is surrounding you, or a person or spirit has bad intentions towards you, there are many protection spells that you can perform easily in the privacy of your home.
Protection spells deal directly with Force and Power Spells. These spells create a shield around you which prohibits evil magics from harming you (or whoever you cast the spell on).
Included in this Protection Spells app:
✨Akasha's Uncrossing Candle
✨Animal Protection Collar
✨Apollo’s Salt
✨Armour of darkness
✨Avoidance of 9’s
✨Basic Draconic Protection
✨Book of Shadow Protection
✨Boundary spell
✨Brigid Home Protection
✨Brush of Protection
✨Car Protection
✨Cleansing A Room
✨Dream Protection
✨Food Offering
✨Create Your Own Angel
✨Shield of Azriel
✨To Break a Curse
✨Salt Protection Circle
✨Protection Stone
✨Creating an Elemental Chord
✨Elemental Protection Charm
✨Element Protection, Peace & Friendship
✨Fire Protection Spell #1
✨Fire Protection Spell #2
✨Black Moon Anti-Force
✨Earth Amulet
✨Element Balance
✨Energy Controlling
✨Fully Bloated Incense
✨Gaia's Protection
✨Ghost Powder Spell
✨Goddess Protection
✨Home Protection Spell #1
✨Home Protection Spell #2
✨Herbal Sachets
✨Herb Bundles for Purification
✨House Blessing
✨Home Purification
✨Home Success Magnetism Spell
✨Household Gods
✨Keep Your Child Safe
✨Leave Me Alone
✨Invoke Kwan Yin
✨Lunar Charm
✨Mana Shield
✨Medusa's Reflection
✨Midsummer Fire
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