Typing Vietnamese by telex style
Vietnamese IME in Telex method.
No word prediction included.
Automatic accent position adjust.
Many useful symbols included.
Use [Global] key to switch between English and Vietnamese.
To use it after installation, the keyboard has to be selected:
Android 2.0:
- Select Settings >> Language & keyboard >> Việt Telex Keyboard
- Select [OK] from the warning
- Again on the first use, keep hold on text input until message [Edit Text] appears.
- Select [Input Method], and then [Việt Telex Keyboard]
Android 3.0:
- Select Settings >> Language & input >> Current Input Method >> Việt Telex Keyboard
Android 4.0:
Settings >> Language & input >> Việt Telex Keyboard
In first use, select Viet Telex Keyboard in [Choose input method]