Telescope 45x zoom is an image zooming tool with the real-time image processing
Ergonomic-style design and more than three years of development, will let you use the application as a real binocular, shoot photo and video both daytime and nighttime.
Especially developed algorithm will let you clearer see the objects in the low light environment. Application is enhanced with extra functionalities, like black circle (with the controlled radius and opacity) to photo shoot sun and moon, as well as different color filters for the night time objects contrasted photo shooting.
• 45x zoom
• Amplifier
• Saturation
• Light mode
• Autofocus
• Front, rear camera
• Flashlight
• Built In library
• Sharing
• Sun and Moon locator
• Sunrise, transit and sunset times for the Sun and Moon
Location permission is needed for sun and moon locator feature, because sun and moon positions related to your location