Enhance your reading skill and break your record in speed reading.
Read Faster is the best way to enhance your reading skill and break your record in speed reading without hassle. Just paste your text, share a link to any website or just browse to your file in the device’s memory - and the speed-reader is ready.
Read Faster uses the RSVP (Rapid Serial Visual Presentation) speed reading technology to offer you the best fast reading experience without compromising speed or quality of reading.
Some of Read Faster’s best features:
•Android Wear speed-reader *
•Browse files from your phone or tablet
•Share links from browser, we extract just what is important and it is ready to read
•Bonus random articles
•Paste text from the clipboard and read it at high speed
•It uses the RSVP Technology
•Variable speed
•Read up to 1000 wpm
Supported formats:
*Only in the Pro Version
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