Pokit เป็นเครื่องมัลติมิเตอร์แบบไร้สายที่เล็กที่สุดในโลก DSO และ logger
This app is for use with the PokitMeter multimeter and oscilloscope, available from pokitmeter.com. This app will not be functional without PokitMeter hardware!
NOTE: This app requires location permissions in order to connect to the PokitMeter BLE device!
Measure Anything
Pokit measures, displays and logs a wide range of parameters including voltage, current, resistance and temperature. It also provides a continuity and diode checker. Pokit is intended for low voltage work up to audio frequencies.
Measure Anywhere
Pokit fits on your keychain! With leads that retract at the press of a button, Pokit is convenient and small enough to take anywhere!
Measure with Ease
Pokit connects wirelessly to your smartphone and app. Its amazingly easy to use. Simply touch to change modes and settings, and pinch and drag to pan and zoom waveforms. After using Pokit you'll wonder why all tools weren't designed this way!
Small is Big
Pokit is small in lots of ways... it takes less space, weighs less, uses less power, and costs much less than tools with similar capabilities. After using Pokit we think you'll agree that small is the new big!