Juz 30 Mp3 แบบออฟไลน์โดย Thaha Al Junayd Qiroah
Juz 30 Mp3 Offline by Thaha Al Junayd Qiroah
- Juz 30 Arabic
- Zikir morning and evening
- Doa After pRayer
Features and content of this Featured App
- Al Qur'an Juz 30 NP3 Offline by
- Dhikr morning
- Dzikir Afternoon
- Full Al Qur'an Juz 30 with tajweed
- No internet connection / Offline
- Simple and easy to use navigation
- Contents can be copied
- The contents of the content can be directly shared to a friend
- Easy in search
- Favorites menu, easy to save data, if you want to read another time
- Quick access
Thank you very much