เรียนรู้ ECG และเงื่อนไขทางคลินิกที่เกี่ยวข้อง
This application designed to help individuals learn the basics of ECG/EKG .
List of Titles:
1: Anatomy and Physiology of the Heart
2: ECG Basics and Terminology
3: Electrical Activity of the Heart and Basic Wave Forms on an ECG
4: EKG Machinery and Setup
5: Rhythm Interpretation
6: Twelve Leads and Special Rhythms
Important topics covered:
Einthoven’s Triangle
Lead Reversals
Lead II Rhythms and Rules
Atrial Rhythms
Junctional Rhythms
AV Blocks
Ventricular Rhythms
Premature Contractions
ST Elevation
ST Elevation Myocardial Infarction (STEMI)
Prinzmetal’s Angina
Wellens Syndrome
Bundle Branch Blocks
R-on-T Phenomenon
Torsades de Pointes
Wolff-Parkinson-White Syndrome
Brugada Syndrome
Please contact in case of any query.
Thank You.