Dream interpretation app,great dictionary to get the meaning of your dreams
The Dream Interpretation App provides the resources to assist your in your personal dream interpretation and dream meanings. Get your own free dream analysis now.
Using this Dream Interpretation app, you will have the perfect tool to discover what is your dream all about.
Based on our extensive dream symbols database, you will get meanings and definitions about almost ANY kind of dream.
What is your mind trying to tell you?
What does that element that caught your attention during your sleep means?
It's time to discover what is your dream all about
And yes: It's totally free!
Your dreams are unique; no other individual can have your personal background, your emotions, or your experiences. Therefore, your dreams can only be connected with your own "reality". With this in mind, it is important to draw from your personal life and experiences when interpreting a dream.
That's where The Dream Interpretation App comes in: By helping you have an understanding of your dreams, and proviing you with insight into your own self and a means for further self-exploration.
Our Dreams Meanings App will help you gain a better understanding and discovery of your true self. So stay awhile -- explore, discover, have fun, make friends, and find out what's in YOUR dream?!