Dashing black background with animated analog clock make your screen attractive
This is a unique collection of BLACK MAN HD ANALOG CLOCK LIVE Dashing Wallpaper images!
If you enjoy wallpaper with Black color and having floating animation of bats then you can go with this live wallpaper.
This wallpaper is TOTALLY FREE FREE FREE. you will sure enjoy by using this live wallpaper.
your mobile screen gets glow of animated Bats and other objects.
ANALOG CLOCK will show you live date and time with second hand.
This easy application has been made very simple for you. In just a couple of taps, you will have your awesome Black man Live wallpaper to use as a background wallpaper, theme, or enjoy in other ways.
These image is design by us for your personal use only. We own the right to give you permission to enjoy this pink pattern.
We will always keep my apps of drawings, photos, fashion patterns and art free for you to enjoy. Please support us to help us find, buy and create more images to share with you and make even more apps.
We take requests! Just rate our app and leave a comment. Or email us with your idea.
I might publish one using a category of your choice! No matter how funny the theme!
Installation instructions:
Home -> Menu -> Wallpapers -> Live Wallpapers ->BLACK MAN HD Analog Clock Live Wallpaper