Watch and Follow Streams from TwitchTV
With this app you can watch save and browse through the most popular streams from Twitchtv. You can also sync your TwitchTV account with the app so that you have your favorite streams always with you. If your favorite stream isn't online you can watch VOD of any channel you want. All this does not require flash!
If you want to have other games or new providers just write a e-mail to or use the in-app feedback function and we will add it for you. Also if you have questions, problems or suggestion wirte us an e-mail or use the in-app function. Thanks!
This app is developed by "Cannibal Development" on the authority of "Binary Evasion".
Minimum requirement / recommended
- Android 2.2 (from ARMv6) / Android 4.+
- 3G / 4G or W-Lan
- Works with single core processor, multi core is recommended.
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- Twitter: @CannibalDev
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