วิดเจ็ตที่ช่วยให้คุณมีสุขภาพที่ดีขึ้นสำหรับ KWGT PRO
These only work with KWGT PRO. Even though this app is free, you'll have to buy the Pro version of KWGT in order to use the widgets :)
Health and Hygiene focused widgets that help you have some routine micro check-ups.
• H2O: Set a goal for the number of glasses of water to drink in a day. Add or Remove the glasses as you drink those.
• Cleanse: Hourly reminder to wash your hand and/or face. May or may not work every time due to the way Android handles widgets. I'll think of a workaround to that.
• Zzz: Sleep Tracker, to track how long you've been sleeping for and keep track on your last sleep schedule.
(The idea of the Widget was given by Sangam Panda, @sangampandasp9 on Twitter and Nishant Chaudhary, @code_krta_hu on Twitter helped me with the formulas, drop them a follow on Twitter :) big thanks to both!)
• Zap: Keep your device battery temperature monitored. How will you use the widgets if something happens to your device!
• Fit: Track your steps, calories and distance walked each day. Compare it with the data from yesterday. Powered by Google Fit.
• Tips: Some information I don't think you'll follow either way, unless you actually do. In that case you don't need the tips. Yes. + Some nice quotes.
• Illustrations in the Widgets are from unDraw.co by @NinaLimpi, they're the best!
• Bugs? Report them via email or Twitter. I'll try my best to get those fixed ASAP!
• Just so you know, the widgets reset on a device restart so that might reset the counters too!
As always, if you love these, share them on social media and tag me if possible! I tried something different with this pack and I hope it helps you in some way or the other! :)
Thanks to @revothrottle (Twitter) for coming up with that app name!
Also, big thanks to the Kustom Dev himself, @frankbmonza, for making Kustom (and KAPK, obviously) because this thing is crazy.
I had fun writing this description, honestly.
So many people have directly or indirectly helped me with this app, y'all really the best, thank you to every single one of you ❤️.