Easily search and scroll through all students, staff and contacts to quickly call, text or email. Access student demographic fields such as allergy information and locker combinations. See when a student is absent or tardy. Know what class a student is supposed to be in at any given time. Assess how a student is performing in school by viewing his or her grades. Enter new discipline incidents and attach a photo taken from your Android device to the incident. Secure log in, user permission rights and remote erase access ensure your student information is safe even if a mobile device is lost or stolen.
Student Database: Choose any of the Administrator's Plus database fields to view in the AP Mobile App, including contact database fields and alert fields.
Discipline & Incident Reporting: View previous infraction details and add new incidents while at the scene of the incident. Attach a photo taken with your mobile device to the incident. Track bullies and victims to run reports that comply with anti-bullying mandates.
Schedules: View student schedules in line format. As an especially useful security feature, the mobile app automatically highlights the class the student should be in during the current period.
Grades & Narratives: Observe how a student is performing in his/her classes. View grades, skills, narratives and GPA information.
NOTE: You must have the AP Mobile Manager installed to use this app in conjunction with Administrator's Plus. Please contact Rediker Software at 800-213-9860 to add AP Mobile Apps and enhance your current AP products.
Requires version Android 2.2 or higher.