3D default phone book with call logs and backup.
1. Home screen
- show the list of all contact in 3D view
- make call
- Favorite contact list
- Add favorite contact to favorite list.
2. Contact information screen
- show contact details
- send message
- set reminder
- block or unblock contact
- create shortcut of contact
3. Blocklist
- show blocked contact
- add block contact from contact list and call logs
- unlock contact
4. Reminder list
- show list of reminders
- modify and remove reminders
5 Backups
- take backup of contact
- restore contact backup
- change 3D contact background color
Permissions Required
- call permission - to make call we required call permission
- contact permission - to get all contact from system
- phone state permission - to identify call is incoming and outGoing
- Storage permission - to set reingtones by user and get ringtone from internal storage
- Notification permission - to read notification of call
- call log permission - to get all call log for block contact