Secure your business with 247PRO
Welcome to the 247PRO app.
This app is designed to give you a impression of the possibilities you, as a company or as a individual, have to be secured from the outside world.
Not only referring to your wellbeing but especially to your companies data as well as your private data.
All the things you want to keep private, even your personal belongings.
247PRO was founded in 2007. We are a young specialized company uniting 65 years of experience in special forces, law enforcement, corporate business and cyber crime.
The main reason for setting up this company was that we realized in a early stage that the world as we know it is changing rapidly! Information can now be used as a power tool against one.
This causes us to be cautious with what we know and how we protect this information.
The app will demostrate the range of products and services we provide.
You will read about the Security Guardian USB stick, with a GPS and a GPRS. And more important a data kill function. So can not only track and trace, but destroy all info on the stick from a distance!
There are several soft and hardware systems with very interesting research abilities. By determing a certain area you can conlude realtionships between people that happen to vistit that area and so on.
Products like observation kits, with thermal seeking cameras and such. These are all part of the assortment.
We work closely with the people behind the latest encrypted phone. So once you decide to join with us we can make this a part of your security package!
You will be safe and secure like never before!